Good Food Starts at Home
At Subway®, what you see is what you get, with every sub prepared fresh right before your eyes. From Canadian-grown ingredients to our dedication for bringing you the most quality sandwiches, there’s a lot to be excited about.
Home Grown
Nothing excites us more than using Canadian ingredients. Through our partnerships with many Canadian family-run farms, we ensure the quality meat you want is what you get. Our turkey and chicken come from animals raised on Canadian farms, while we source many homegrown produce during local growing seasons. Facts we wear like a badge of honour.

Canadian Grown
British Columbia

Red Onions: August – February
Cucumbers: January – November
Green Peppers: July – October

Green Peppers: August – October
Leafy Greens: June – October
Tomatoes: August – September
Red Onions: September – May

Canadian Farm Raised

We take the issue of animal welfare seriously and believe the ethical treatment of animals is an essential component of our commitment to responsible sourcing. We will continue to evaluate emerging and evolving systems and practices to advance long-term improvements in animal welfare throughout our global supply chain in alignment with the Subway Global Animal Welfare Policy.
*All of our chicken products come from animals raised on Canadian farms, save for the Crispy Chicken.
Community Driven
We are committed to supporting our community, being responsible partners, and giving back.

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