{"id":"NORESULTS","message":"I'm sorry, there are 0 restaurants near you. Please try another search."}
,{"id":"NOGEOCODE","message":"<font color='#008938'>Sorry, no restaurants found.</font> <br/>Please try again."}
,{"id":"INACCURATEGPS","message":"We are unable to find your precise location, here is where we think you are."}
,{"id":"NOLOCATIONACCESS","message":"Please enter a location above to find your nearest restaurant."}
,{"id":"NOGPSSIGNAL","message":"We are unable to find your location. Please try again."}
,{"id":"AJAXERROR","message":"An error has occurred. Please check your internet connection and try again."}
,{"id":"FAVORITEADDMESSAGE","message":"Add as favorite location?"}
,{"id":"FAVORITEUPDATEMESSAGE","message":"Would you like to update your favorite location to:"}
,{"id":"FAVORITEREMOVEMESSAGE","message":"Remove favorite location?"}
,{"id":"ENTERADDRESSTXT","message":"Your address, city, or zip code"}
,{"id":"ENTERSTORETXT","message":"Enter Restaurant Number"}